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UHLU LWansuku zonke

Zonke izingane ezise- PLANETS A CADEMY kumele zibe nalezi zinto NSUKU ZONKE . I Izingane ngizoya ngaphandle nsuku zonke ngaphandle uma zesimo sezulu esibi khona, ngakho-ke kubalulekile ukuthi ingane ngayinye iba egqoke ngokuvumelana nesimo sezulu.

Akukho ngane ezovunyelwa ukuza ngaphandle kokuba nezinto zayo ezifanele zokubamba iqhaza emisebenzini yansuku zonke.

Ukwehluleka ukugcina izinto ezidingekayo kungaholela ekubikelweni ngokunganakwa noma ukumiswa kokubhaliswa :

  • Yonke ingane izodinga ama-pair amabili amasokisi nganoma yisiphi isikhathi. Wonke amasokisi adinga ukuthi abhalwe ngokusobala negama lengane yakho kusokisi ngayinye. Wonke amasokisi adinga ukuba ngaphakathi kwesikhwama se-Ziploc ukuze afinyeleleke futhi azame ukuwagcina wonke ehlangene. Hlola nsuku zonke ukuqinisekisa ukuthi ingane yakho inenani elifanele lamasokisi ngaso sonke isikhathi.

  • Umzali ngamunye kufanele ahlinzeke ngendle yokuhlanza izandla, ikhi yosizo lokuqala, ama-baby wipe, ama-Q-Tips, amagilavu ​​alahlwayo, ne-kleenex azogcinwa kuma-cubbies awo ukuze asetshenziswe lapho kudingeka.

  • Amagiya emvula (amabhuzu, izambulela, amapaki, njll) kufanele agcinwe kuma-cubbies awo ngaso sonke isikhathi uma kwenzeka isimo sezulu singalindelekile. Konke kufanele kube mnyama okuqinile.

  • Sicela ukuthi ulethele isixubho esimboziwe, umuthi wokuxubha, izimbali, ukugeza umlomo, nezinkomishi ezincane zeDixie. Sicela uwafake esikhwameni se-ziplock esinelebula okulula ukuthi bangene kuso futhi basigcine kuma-cubbies abo. i amaplanethi A CADEMY ukholelwa ukuthi zamazinyo Ukuhlanzeka KAKHULU OKUBALULEKILE ngenxa kokuba jikelele kahle wengane yakho. Kuqala ngokudla okunomsoco, ukuhlolwa njalo nodokotela wamazinyo, ukukhetha amathuluzi asebenzayo afanele iminyaka yobudala yengane yakho yokuxubha ngawo amazinyo, kanye nokumodela imikhuba emihle yamazinyo. Sizogqugquzela ingane yakho ukuthi igeze amazinyo ayo njalo emva kokudla nangezikhathi zokuphumula.

  • Zonke izingane kufanele zithenge futhi zihlale zisesandleni samabhodlela ukuze izingane zikwazi ukusebenzisa amanzi nsuku zonke. Izingane kungenzeka zingabelani ngamabhodlela amanzi. Amabhodlela angenalutho kufanele avuselelwe kabusha (uma kufanele), alahlwe, noma ayiswe ekhaya ukuze asetshenziswe kabusha ngendlela ehlanzekile. Amabhodlela amanzi kungenzeka angabi namanzi noma ijusi enamakha. Ukuvimbela ukuchitheka emsebenzini wekilasi, sicela uthumele kuphela amabhodlela amanzi nge-pop evulekile ephezulu hhayi phezulu evulekile. Lokhu kufanele kusize ekugcineni indawo yethu yomsebenzi ingachitheki uma ibhodlela lamanzi lishayiswe ngengozi.

  • Umfaniswano ophelele ogcinwe kuma-cubbies abo. Zonke izinto zidinga ukuhlanzwa njalo ngesonto noma kaningi uma kudingeka.

Ngaphezu kohlu lwansuku zonke zonke izingane zasebusuku ziyoba nazo ngaso sonke isikhathi ezigcinwe kuma-cubbies azo :

  • Izingubo ezi-2 ezihlanzekile ezomile

  • 2 Amathawula esandla ukuze ome (abhalwe ngokucacile)

  • Amabili wezingubo zangaphansi namateyi amhlophe (anelebula ecacile)

  • Ama-Pajamas amabili akhululekile. (kubhalwe ngokusobala)

  • Ibhodlela lokugeza umzimba

i amaplanethi A CADEMY akukuniki zokugeza ngokugcwele ngaphandle uma ingane ingcolile kakhulu, udaka, ngezizathu zezokwelapha, thina aphume edolobheni ku-uhambo ngobusuku obubodwa, noma kukhona boarding nathi. Zonke izingane zizosebenzisa izingubo zazo zokuwasha kanye nokugeza umzimba ukuzesula. Bazokhuthazwa ukuthi basule imizimba yabo ngangokunokwenzeka. Bazobe sebeshintsha babe ngamaPijama abo ngasese ezindlini zokugezela.

Usizo luzonikezwa kuphela uma kunesidingo futhi lungakwazi ukuqhubeka. Sidinga ukuthi zonke izingane zikwazi ukuzimela.

Uma ingane yobusuku ilapha nganoma yisiphi isabelo sesikhathi ngaphambi kuka-7: 30 PM khona-ke izoshiywa i-Uniform futhi izoshintsha ngesikhathi esifanele. Uma ingane yakho ishiywa ngemuva kuka-7: 30 PM noma kamuva sicela ukuthi usuyilethele ukuthi igeziwe futhi igqoke amaphijama ayo ngaphandle uma kunomcimbi wasebusuku ohleliwe. Bebesazodinga izimpahla ezingenhla kuma-cubbies abo ngaso sonke isikhathi uma kungenzeka.

iPlanets Academy requires all children to be self-sufficient.

Assistance will be given only when absolutely necessary and can not be ongoing. Two children are NEVER allowed in the bathroom at the same time AT iPLANETS ACADEMY, NO EXCEPTIONS! Boys are required to use their designated bathroom and Girls are required to use theirs. We require all children to be self-sufficient. ​If an overnight child is here for any portion of time before 7:30 PM-8:00 PM then they shall be dropped off in full uniform (except on Saturdays) and will change at the appropriate time. If your child is being dropped off at 8:00 PM, we ask that you already bring them bathed and in their pajamas unless there is a nighttime event scheduled. They would still need the above supplies in their cubbies at all times just in case.


i amaplanethi A CADEMY has a esiqinile iyunifomu ingubo ikhodi zonke izingane. Izingcezu ezingafani ezinamanani zingathengwa kuphela ngathi ukuze sakhe indawo engaguquguquki nephephile engenaziphazamiso. Uzothola ifomu lakho loku-oda ngaphakathi kwephakethe lakho lokwamukelwa. Sikholelwa ukuthi indinganiso ephakeme yokugqoka ikhuthaza inhlonipho enkulu kubantu, izingane zethu, nabanye.

Inikeza izingane zethu umuzwa wokuthi zingabakhe futhi ziyaziqhenya ngesikole futhi ziholela ezingeni eliphakeme lokuziphatha. Sithole ukuthi abafundi bafunda kangcono kakhulu uma benikezwa inkululeko yokugxila ezifundweni nakulezo zici zobuntu ezibaluleke ngempela.

Ngamanye amagama umfaniswano :

  • Siza izingane ziphumelele ezifundweni

  • Isiza ukunciphisa umthelela wokwehluka kwezenhlalo nezomnotho okwehlisa ingcindezi yontanga nokuxhashazwa.

  • Kukhonjisiwe ukunciphisa ukusebenza okuphazamisayo nokukhuthaza isimilo esifanele.

  • Kuthuthukisa ukuzihlonipha wena nabanye

  • Kuthuthukisa ukuziqhenya kwesikole, ubunye nomoya womphakathi.

  • Isisiza ukuthi sikhombe kalula izingane ngenkathi usohambeni

  • Amayunifomu angenza impilo ibe lula kubazali

  • Ingagcina imali yabazali.

  • Imifaniswano yesikole yenza ukulungela ukuya esikoleni kube lula, okungathuthukisa ukugcina isikhathi

  • Isiza ukugcina izingane zigxile emfundweni yazo, hhayi ezingubeni zazo.

Izingane zethu kulindeleke ukuba zigqoke ngendlela ehloniphekile nenenhlonipho. Iyunifomu ngamunye kumelwe ahlanzeke, ironed, afakwe kahle (ukugwema YILUPHI ukubukeka nokuwohloka noma inobudlabha), hhayi kakhulu Friend kodwa efanelekayo imvelo yokufunda sibonakalisa siyaziqhenya ngokwabo futhi i amaplanethi A CADEMY.

Yonke imifaniswano kufanele igqokwe ngaphandle kokukhala, ukuklebhuka, kungapheli noma kusikwe ama-hems. Amabhulukwe agqokwa okhalweni futhi kufanele afake ibhande ngaso sonke isikhathi. Amahembe kumele afakwe ngendlela efanele. AmaHoodies ngeke aboshwe okhalweni. Umfaniswano ophelele ogcinwe kuma-cubbies abo. Zonke izinto zidinga ukuhlanzwa njalo ngesonto noma kaningi uma kudingeka.

Awekho ama-logo wabakhiqizi anoma yiluphi uhlobo avunyelwe. Kungumsebenzi womzali ukuqinisekisa ukuthi uyalandelwa ikhodi yokugqoka eFanayo.

Iyunifomu igqokwa nsuku zonke ngaphandle kwalapho kuchazwe ngenye indlela.Bazobe begqoke umfaniswano ophelele lapho bengena baze bashiye ukuxoshwa.

Kunesikhathi somusa sezinsuku eziyisishiyagalombili (8) sezingane ezintsha zokuthenga umfaniswano wazo.

Yize singabandlululi noma iyiphi inkolo. Akukho ngane ezonikezwa ukuphathwa okukhethekile noma ukucatshangelwa uma kukhulunywa ngenqubomgomo efanayo. Uma ingane ayikwazi agqoke iyunifomu, i amaplanethi A CADEMY akuyona fit okufanele umndeni wakho. Izinqumo mayelana nokufaneleka kwesitayela ngasinye kungumthwalo we

i amaplanethi A CADEMY, ogama isinqumo kuzoba okokugcina.

No shirts lighter than this Purple allowed

No shirts lighter than this Gold allowed

is Purple allowed at iPlanets Academy
iPlanets Academy Dark Gold Gage

We believe that a higher standard of dress encourages greater respect for individuals, our children, and others.


It gives our children a sense of belonging and pride in themselves and the school and results in a higher standard of behavior. We have found that students learn best when given the freedom to focus their attention on academics and those aspects of character that are truly important.

Why we have uniforms:

  • Help children excel academically 

  • Helps to lessen the impact of socioeconomic differences which subsequently reduces peer pressure and bullying.

  • Have been proven to minimize disruptive behavior and inspire appropriate behavior.

  • Promotes respect for oneself and others

  • Enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit.

  • Helps us to easily to identify the children while on field trips

  • Uniforms can make life easier for parents

  • Can save parents money. 

  • School uniforms make getting ready for school easier, which can improve punctuality

  • Helps to keep the children focused on their education, not their clothes.  

Our children are expected to dress in a neat, respectful fashion. Each uniform is to be clean, ironed, properly fitted (to avoid ANY sagging or sloppy appearance), and not too tight but suitable for the learning environment reflecting pride in themselves and in iPLANETS ACADEMY


All children will be neatly groomed and dressed and will keep their hair neat and clean. Neatly groomed and dressed shall be defined as dress and grooming that is standard and conforms to the illustrative pictures provided.


No manufacturers’ logos larger than 1½ by 1½ inches of any kind are allowed. ​All uniforms must be worn without tears, rips, not faded or cutting of hems. Pants are worn at the waist and they must wear a belt at all times. Shirts must be tucked in appropriately. No items will be knotted around the waist.


They must have an extra complete uniform stored in their cubbies. ​All items need to be laundered every week or more often if needed.  ​ It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure compliance with the Uniform dress code.

Although we do not discriminate against any religion. No child shall be given special treatment or consideration when it comes to the uniform policy.


If a child can not wear the uniforms, iPLANETS ACADEMY is not the right fit for your family. Decisions about the suitability of an individual style are the responsibility of 

iPLANETS ACADEMY, whose decision will be final.

Overnight Daily List


Khumbula lapho kuba nemvula, isimo sezulu esineqhwa, njll. Bangakwazi kuphela ukugqoka amabhuzu emvula a- SOLID Black ONLY . Sicela ulethe esikhwameni udoti nawe ngakho ungakwazi ukugcina sezulu izambulela zabo lina, kanye amabhuzu imvula ngaphakathi isikhwama udoti nendawo kubo ngaphakathi cubby yabo ngakho-ke akusho zichithe nezinye izinto zabo.

Onke amajakethi, izikhafu, noma amagilavu, njll. Kufanele agcinwe kuma-cubbies awo. Sivumela OKUQINILE okumnyama KUPHELA .

Izinga lokushisa lizogcinwa ekushiseni okunethezekile unyaka wonke.

iPlanets Academy SOLID black Rain Boots

During cold weather, Boys are allowed to wear SOLID black ONLY sleeveless V-neck sweater vests or buttoned down V-neck cardigans. They must be appropriately sized in the shoulders, sleeves, length; and must be worn over our acceptable uniform DARK PURPLE or DARK GOLD polo shirts.


All other jackets/coats/outerwear must be taken off and stored in their cubbies upon entering. 

iPLANETS ACADEMY Solid Black Sweater Vest
iPlanets Academy Boys Long Sleeved V-Neck Cardigan

During cold weather, Girls are allowed to wear SOLID black ONLY buttoned down ribbed neck cardigans. They must be appropriately sized in the shoulders, sleeves, length; and must be worn over our acceptable uniform DARK PURPLE or DARK GOLD polo shirts.


All other jackets/coats/outerwear must be taken off and stored in their cubbies upon entering. 

iPlanets Academy Girls Long Sleeved Crew Neck Cardigan


iPlanets Academy SOLID black Back Pack

Ojosaka kumele babe SOLID Black noma Space-Inspired (Yiba Nezinkanyezi, Izinyanga, Amaplanethi, Owezulu, Izinkanyezi Zenkanyezi, Amarokhethi, Abafokazi, Isiphekepheke, Njll) KUPHELA . Azikho ezinye izinhlamvu, ama-logo, izithombe, amaphethini, izinhlobo zamagama, ukubhala amagama, noma imibala eyengeziwe evunyelwe. Ilebuli yomkhiqizi omncane noma uphawu lwethu kuvunyelwe.

$ 40 . 00

Ubhaka Omnyama Wakudala

Sicela uqaphele :

  • Zonke izingozi noma izingubo ezingcolisiwe zizoqukatha ukuthi bavele basuse izingubo, bazifake kupulasitiki, bazithumele ekhaya. Akunasikhathi lapho izingubo zizogezwa khona. Lokhu ukuvimbela noma yikuphi ukungcola noma ukusabalala kwamagciwane.

  • i amaplanethi A CADEMY akuyikuba ngokulinyalelwa kwenziwe noma imaphi Amayunifomu yezingane.

  • i amaplanethi A CADEMY ngeke onesibophezelo sanoma yikuphi izinto elahlekile, ezilimele, noma intshontshiwe.

  • i amaplanethi A CADEMY ngeke aphethwe onesibophezelo sanoma yikuphi ukulimala noma ukulahleka izibuko.

  • Ayikho imali, i-elekthronikhi, noma amathoyizi okufanele alethwe ngaphandle kwalapho kuceliwe noma kunikezwa imvume.

  • Abukho ubucwebe obuvunyelwe ngaphandle kwamasongo ezokwelapha aphuthumayo namacici amancane noma amacici okuthunyelwe okufanele agqokwe abesilisa nabesifazane. i amaplanethi A CADEMY akuyena obangela ukulahlekelwa noma ukulimala kwanoma yimuphi ubucwebe.

  • Imidwebo yethula ingozi enkulu yokuphepha ezinganeni. Intambo ingabanjwa ngenkathi ingane ikhuphuka, islayida, noma yenza okunye ukudlala okusebenzayo futhi kuholele ekuklingeni noma kokunye ukulimala okungathi sína. Ngakho-ke asivumeli izintambo entanyeni yengane noma kumuntu.


i amaplanethi A CADEMY ibona isimo ubulili lwezomthetho isitifiketi sokuzalwa komuntu KUPHELA. Bonke labo ababalwe njengabesilisa bazogqoka imifaniswano engezansi kwabesilisa futhi bazobizwa ngamagama abo abhalwe nalapha futhi, AKUKHO UKUKHONA .

Zonke izingane ziyodinga iyunifomu okungenani ezimbili ngakho isethi eyodwa egcwele ingagcinwa ngesikhathi i amaplanethi A CADEMY NGAZO ZONKE IZIKHATHI.

Izingubo zangaphansi kungenzeka zingabonakali noma kunini. Ubude bezimpahla zokugqoka abufanele bube bufushane kunamasentimitha amathathu ngaphezulu kwaphezulu kwedolo lapho uhleli. Azikho neze izingubo zokugqoka noma ezixegayo.

$ 18 . 00

Ihembe elifushane leSleeve Oxford Shirt


Onke amaShort kufanele abe yiSolid Black, Flat Front KUPHELA ngamaluphu ebhande, futhi afakwe ngebhande.

$ 20 . 00

Flat-Front iDemo nge Waist ashintshekayo


All shorts must be SOLID black, FLAT Front ONLY. May be elastic pull on or with belt loops. If they have belt loops they must wear the acceptable uniform black belt. Shorts must be worn at the waist. Shorts must fall between the bottom of the knee and no more than 3 inches above the knee (in both front and back)

iPlanets Academy Flat Front Shorts

Wonke amabhulukwe kumele abe yiSolid Black, Flat Front KUPHELA ngamaluphu ebhande, futhi agqoke ngebhande.

$ 20 . 00

Amabhulukwe eChino

iPlanets Academy Chino Pants

Kudingeka amabhande ezimfishane namabhulukwe. Amabhande amnyama aqinile   KUPHELA   kufaka phakathi i-buckle. Azikho izivikelo zamabhande ezihlobisa noma ezicwebezelayo ezivunyelwe. Kumele iboshwe ngaso sonke isikhathi. Ayikho ingxenye yebhande engalenga nganoma yisiphi isikhathi. Kungangabi usayizi ongaphezu koyedwa (1) omkhulu kunokhalo.

iPlanets Academy Uniform Black Flip Top Buckle with Canva

Amasokisi kufanele abe yiSolid Black KUPHELA .

$ 5 . 00

3-iphakethe lamasokisi



Make sure their shoes are closed toe and suitable for running, jumping, sliding, swinging, and climbing. Shoes and shoelaces must be a matching pair. 


Boys wear SOLID  black (including the soles)

Tennis shoes or leather-soled shoes. They must wear socks with their shoes. 

iPlanets Academy SOLID Black Shoes

"Uma ubhula ehlathini ukhulisa izingane zakho, angicabangi ukuthi noma yini enye oyenza kahle ibaluleke kakhulu."

~ UJacqueline Kennedy Onassis


i amaplanethi A CADEMY ibona isimo ubulili lwezomthetho isitifiketi sokuzalwa komuntu KUPHELA. Bonke labo ababalwe njengabesifazane bazogqoka imifaniswano engezansi yabesifazane futhi bazobizwa ngamagama abo abhalwe nakhona , AKUKHO UKUQHUBEKA .

Zonke izingane zizodinga okungenani imifaniswano emibili. Labo ababhaliswe ngokusemthethweni bazothunyelwa ifomu le-oda lokugcwalisa ngokuphelele. Omunye onazo izogcinwa ngesikhathi i amaplanethi A CADEMY SONKE ISIKHATHI .

Undergarments may not be visible at any time. The length of articles of clothing shall be no shorter than three inches above the top of the knee when sitting. Absolutely no baggy or sagging clothes. 

Below are illustrative examples of the official female uniform. It does not have to be the exact ones below or on this site, it just has to be the exact colors and style. No other styles will be accepted. Links have not been verified and other sellers may be available. 

Girls Short Sleeve or Long Sleeves Picot Collar Polo or Pique Polo Shirts. They must be buttoned down, no pockets, collared, and tucked in at all times. It can be SOLID DARK purple,

iPlanets Academy Dark Purple Short Sleeved Picot Collared Shirts for Girls
iPlanets Academy Dark Purple Long Sleeved Picot Collared Shirts for Girls

$ 12 . 00

Umkhono omude uPeter Pan Blouse

iPlanets Academy Dark Gold Short Sleeved Picot Collared Shirts for Girls
iPlanets Academy Dark Gold Long Sleeved Picot Collared Shirts for Girls

$ 10 . 00

Umkhono omfishane wePeter Pan Blouse

iPlanets Academy Purple and Gold Jumpers.png
iPlanets Academy Skort

I-Solid Black Hosiery kuphela (Ayikho i-Opaque evunyelwe). Amadolo-Hi noma amaTight KUPHELA . Ngezansi kwe-hosiery KUPHELA esiyivumayo, AKUKHO UKUQHUBEKA !

iPlanets Academy SOLID Black Socks
iPlanets Academy SOLID Black Tights
iPlanets Academy SOLID Black  Leggings

Amantombazane ama-barrette, amaribhoni, imicibisholo yezinwele, ubuhlalu bezinwele, nazo zonke izesekeli zezinwele zivunyelwe kepha kumele zibe MNYAMA, Zinsomi Okumnyama, noma zinombala OGOLI Ophuzi (hhayi igolide) KUPHELA .

Izesekeli zezinwele kufanele ziqine ngokusobala noma zitshele KUPHELA .

Izimbali ezincane (2 ”noma ngaphansi) zivunyelwe kule mibala engenhla evunyelwe KUPHELA . Amabhande asekhanda, njll. Avunyelwe afika ku-2 ”ngobubanzi ngemibala evunyelwe ngenhla KUPHELA . Izinwele ezinsomi noma ezinombala onsomi

ama-hi-lites avunyelwe, ayikho eminye imibala evunyelwe.

Akukho lutho olwesabekayo noma olude ngokwanele ukuthi lungabanjwa ngephutha entanyeni yabo. Labo abanezinwele ezinde ngokwedlulele badinga ukuthi ziphinde zibuyiselwe emgodini womsila, ziboshwe, noma zifakwe phezulu ukuvimbela lokhu ukuthi kungenzeki.

i amaplanethi A CADEMY akuyena obangela ukulahlekelwa yinoma yimuphi izesekeli izinwele.

Girls wear SOLID BLACK

(including the soles) Mary Jane Uniform Shoes ONLYThey must wear  socks, hosiery, or tights with their shoes. 

iPlanets Academy-Mary Jane School Uniform Shoes
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