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Intelligence is broken down into nine different types also called the nine domains of intelligence. Children all learn differently and have different strengths. We take the time to assess how your child learns so we can present the material to them in a way they can learn and thrive. Below is an explanation and some facts about the nine bits of intelligence. GO HERE for a more in-depth explanation. 


The nine bits of Intelligence by which children learn are:



Outdoor play is an important part of every child’s physical and social development. iPLANETS ACADEMY focuses on participation and character building through a flexible schedule of traditional and non-traditional sports.

Outdoor environments fulfill children’s basic needs for freedom, adventure, experimentation, risk-taking, and just being children.  

There are fundamental reasons why outdoor play is critical for young children in our early childhood programs. 

Children need to develop large motor and small motor skills and cardiovascular endurance. Outdoor physical activity also helps to combat childhood obesity in children.

Through our outdoor play we provide many opportunities for our children to explore, experiment, manipulate, reconfigure, expand, influence, change, marvel, discover, practice, dam up, push their limits, yell, sing, and create.

iPlanets Academy kids gardening


Teaching children life skills at an early age helps them to develop good habits, gives them daily “real life” opportunities to practice fine and gross motor skills, and ultimately teaches them responsibility. 


Teaching children life skills is not only important for self-care and sufficiency— but it also allows them to feel empowered, works on socialization, reasoning, and helps develop healthy self-esteem. 


At iPLANETS ACADEMY we focus on these 15 LIFE SKILLS:

  • Cooking, Meal Planning, and Prep 

  • Coping Skills

  • Decision Making 

  • Etiquette and Manners

  • Finish tasks independently and Following Directions

  • Health, Nutrition and How to Shop

  • Housekeeping

  • Importance of environmental preservation

  • Maps and Traveling

  • The money the Basics and Budgeting

  • Personal Care and Hygiene

  • Resilience and Adaptability

  • Social Skills, How to Interact Appropriately and Looking at situations from others’ perspectives

  • Safety, Self-Defence, and Emergencies

  • Time Management

  • Maintaining Healthy Relationships


iPlanets Academy D.I.C.E= Discovery, Intelligences, Cognitive, and Exploration
iPlanets Academy Engineering the Future
iPlanets Academy Advancing Technology; Every Child Has Ther Own Computers


Art Activities


Are unstructured, open-ended activities with no predetermined goal

Are process-oriented activities with no clear beginning, middle, or end

Use a variety of basic art or craft material with no specific instruction sheet


Craft Activities


Are structured projects with a predetermined goal

Are project-oriented activities with a clear beginning, middle, and end

Involve assembly of 3-dimensional materials which are then decorated

Require specific materials

Arts and Crafts Help Reach Developmental Goals Eric Erickson, in Childhood and Society, wrote that the developmental goals of school-age children fall into four main categories:


  • Cognitive Development (Thinking)

  • Emotional Development (Feeling)

  • Social Development (Relating)

  • Sensory-Motor Development (Coordinating)


ARTS Versus CRAFTS Develop Different Skills  

Participating in arts and crafts activities activates both sides of the brain, both the linear left hemisphere and the creative, non-sequential right hemisphere.

Left Hemisphere: Logical, sequential. Activated by reading, math or linear problem solving

Right Hemisphere: Creative, intuitive

Activated by art, music, dance, and drama

Theory of Learning by Doing

Children retain what they learn much better when hands-on activities go along with that learning. Research has shown that people learn:


  • 10% of what they READ

  • 20% of what they HEAR

  • 30% of what they SEE

  • 50% of what they HEAR and READ

  • 70% of what they SAY and,

  • 90% of what they DO!


We will be concentrating mainly on these three areas of art:


1Arts and Crafts-We will work in two or three dimensions in a variety of media, which may include drawing, watercolor, tempera, printmaking, sculpture, pottery, charcoals, pastels, pen and ink, or lettering. Processes, techniques, and fundamentals of design are learned through exciting projects.


2. Digital Photography-They will learn the basic principles of photography including exposure, framing, perspective, proportion, landscape, portraiture, still life, and abstract photography.


3. Graphic Arts-They will be introduced to the elements and principles of basic graphic design. They will learn about the design world we live in from creation to production and the steps between. Students will create a variety of projects including logos, posters, mailers, ads and brochures. Through the study of typography, design problem-solving, and design concepts, students will discover how to creatively and competently design using technology.


Exploring the natural world through hands-on science is an important way that children learn. Hands-on science activities encourage children to observe and manipulate items from the environment, while making predictions about what will happen and then testing those predictions. Science allows children to explore, experiment, question, discover and understand natural and human-made objects and forces. Experiments and activities with science and nature also stimulate children's curiosity, encourage the use of all five senses, and help to build vocabulary.


Children will have lots of fun and develop new skills working with nature including:


Responsibility – from caring for plants and insects

Understanding as they learn about cause and effect (for example, plants die without water, weeds compete with plants)

Love of Nature – a chance to learn about the outdoor environment in a safe and pleasant place

Reasoning and Discovery – learning about the science of plants, animals, weather, the environment, nutrition, and simple construction

​​Physical activity – doing something fun and productive

Cooperation – including shared play activity and teamwork

Creativity – finding new and exciting ways to grow food

Nutrition – learning about where fresh food comes from

  • Earth & Space Sciences: Universe and processes that shape the Earth

  • Life Sciences: Characteristics and structure of life, diversity, and interdependence of life and heredity

  • Physical Sciences: Nature of matter and energy, Forces & Motion

  • Science Technology: 

  • Understanding technology, abilities to do technological design

  • Scientific Inquiry

  • Scientific Ways of Knowing: 

      Nature of Science, ethical

      practices, science & society

  • Optics, Astronomy & PhysicsUnderstanding physics is crucial for all kinds of technology learning. They will learn the basic concept of physics and how it relates to the earth and the universe.

1:8 Ratios/Small Groups at iPlanets Academy


Engineering is the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures. We have an intro to Engineering Design where they will learn the fundamentals of problem evaluation and the solution design process. Other topics include the basics of electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering.
This video explains it simply.



We use robots to teach our children simple programming via interactive play by moving a robot in various sequences and using intuitive, visual programming. When they interact with robots they begin to learn a component of programming known as computational thinking. This programming may be visual at first but over time it transitions to the kind of character-based coding that enables machines to execute more complex missions. 
Robotics offers a playful and tangible way to help develop our children’s knowledge of the human-made world, the world of technology and engineering helps them to understand the environment they live in. In addition to teaching concepts related to technology and engineering, using robotics and computer programming supports the development of a range of cognitive and social milestones including number sense, language skills, and visual memory. They also develop a stronger understanding of mathematical concepts such as number, size, and shape in much the same way that traditional materials like pattern blocks, beads, and balls do. ​​

iPlanets Academy on what is Engineering

“With every word we utter, with every action we take, we know our kids are watching us. We as parents are their most important role models.” ~ Michelle Obama

This is the 9 intelligences iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning uses to assess and create an individualistic learning environment for each child.
iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning reads daily
iPlanets Academy fostering creativity through our daily Arts and Crafts classes


We give our children the opportunity to test out daily lessons with the real-world, hands-on application by using a variety of apps and software. We incorporate technology into the repetitive extension of teacher-directed lessons by encouraging the children to play educational games and solve puzzles on our Kindle Fires and iPads. We also use Game Star Mechanic to learn how to design video games, Coding with Move the Turtle, Daisy the Dinosaur, Cargo Bot, and Hopscotch, etc. 


Technology is using tools, being inventive, identifying problems, and making things work. The use of educational technical devices such as tablets or whiteboards has increased the engagement of our children in their lessons which has a major, positive impact on the social, emotional, language, and cognitive development of our children. Technical tools are not only used for classroom interactions with our children but also for instruction, documentation, assessment and communication support to create a more effective teaching environment.


Technology applications have the potential to support and extend learning in the young child through their unique capability to provide excellent instruction. 


Five Benefits of Adding Gamification to Classrooms suggests that gaming:


  • Boosts enthusiasm toward math

  • Lessens disruptive behavior

  • Increases cognitive growth

  • Incorporates mature make-believe which encourages growth and development

  • Improves attention span through game-centric learning


Some elements of What Makes a Good Game are that a game offers:


  • Continuous challenge

  • Interesting storylines

  • Flexibility (there should be more than one way to win)

  • Immediate, useful rewards (new roles, new missions, new locations on the board)

  • A combination of fun and realism

In our Technology and Gaming course, the children use the computer as a tool to reinforce the academic curriculum taught in the classroom, as well as to obtain computer literacy. The use of software programs with text and/or audio, video, and graphics enhance learning and reinforce the math, social studies, science, language, and spelling curriculum.


The use of multimedia software helps our children to express ideas, organize thoughts, and solve problems in linear and non-linear formats or presentations. They become familiar with using clip art, changing fonts in word processing and creating stories. They also learn the computer basics, how the computer works, and keyboarding skills.


Networking instruction includes logging on and off the computer with a username, accessing files in student-shared directory/folders, saving and opening files in student folders, and printing to the printer.

Some examples of programs they will be accessing online are: 


  • Accelerated Reading

  • Star Reading

  • World Book Online

  • First in Math

  • Spelling City

  • ABC Mouse

  • Starfall

  • Typing Agent

  • Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing

  • These and so many more resources we use in class can be found GO HERE


We also use Google Classroom as a web service. Our children join a class through a private code given to them. Because of this all our children will need to be signed up with their own Google Gmail account so they can access Google applications. 


This helps us to


  • Save Trees

  • Access to Google products such as Google Docs and Drive.

  • Instant collaboration between iPLANETS ACADEMY, our Parents and the children in and outside the classroom.

  • Better track their progress in classes, post assignments, organize folders, and view work in real-time.


Knowledge and understanding of the Social Sciences helps our children to understand themselves as citizens within an integrated global society. The purpose is to provide them with information about the principal Social Science disciplines and the relationships among them. It helps them to engage in rational decision-making as both an individual and as a citizen.


Social Sciences shed light on how humans define, perceive, understand, respond to, and act to use or influence. Insights into the cultural, economic, historic, institutional, political, psychological, and sociological drivers of human actions are needed both to describe and understand human-environment interactions.


At iPLANETS ACADEMY young children learn through their senses and experiences. They touch, feel, smell, and taste things. They run and jump and climb. They play imaginary games, and they ask a million

questions. They are beginning to understand how people relate to the Earth, how they change the environment, how weather changes the character of a place, and how one place relates to another through the movement of people, things, and ideas. Children's everyday play and experiences give them the basis for their geographic knowledge.


Some ways we foster Social Studies learning is by addressing these questions:


  • Use a simple map to locate an object. They understand that maps represent reality. They also can develop beginning ideas of scale, symbols, and perspective, and the idea that maps are tools people use to locate themselves in space.

  • Teach them how to read simple diagrams or plans of their homes, or maps of their bedrooms, school, neighborhood, and community.

  • Point out signs that indicate location. In a store or other public place there will be entrance and exit signs, and signs that indicate stairs, escalators, and elevators.

  • Use videos or photographs to point out how much

      smaller everyone looks than they really are. A map

      is like a photograph. A photograph and map

      represent a larger picture or area but it is small.

  • Use words left and right in connection with real situations.

  • Help them to understand ideas like North, South, East, and West by pointing out that the sun always faces East and the sun sets in the west.

  • Point out street signs and numbers on apartments and homes to help them understand what an address is.

  • Look at thermometers to tell the weather.

  • Use a weather map to look up the temperatures of cities around the world and discover how hot some places get in the Summer and how cold some places get in the Winter.


How Do People, Things, and Ideas Move From One Place To Another?

We teach about how people, products, and information move from one place to another. People all over the world travel everyday to go to work, go to school, and see relatives. We look at the different ways they travel such as transporting on Roadways, Railways, Pipelines, Waterways, and Airways.


How Do Ideas Travel?

We learn about how information moves from one person to another through telephones, mail, television, radio, faxes, and computers. Even posters, bumper stickers, and graffiti communicate ideas.


Some other ways of exploring Social Sciences

1. Understand the importance of forests and wildlife in one environment as well as develop concepts towards depletion of resources.

2. Identify different dams in the country.

3. Explain the importance of agriculture in the national economy.

4. Identify various types of farming and discuss the various farming methods; describe the spatial distribution of major crops as well as understand the relationship between rainfall regimes and cropping patterns.

5. Identify places of availability of
different energy resources.

6. Discuss the need for planned industrial development and debate over the role of government towards sustainable development.

7. Explain the importance of transport and communication in the ever-shrinking world.
Understand the role of trade and tourism.

iPlanets Academy generational families



​Today’s computing power and big data are driving the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at unprecedented speed, igniting a new historical moment between science, ethics, and politics.
















By immersing in a blend of lectures, discussion sections, and project building, activities, and group discussions you will explore not only the science of AI from its beginnings to its future, but also take a deep dive into the ethics of AI-enabled automation.

















We will introduce you to various forms of artificial intelligence (AI) and how we interact with AI as consumers in applications like chatbots and recommendation engines.


You'll see how AI provides analytics in business and consider industries that may be transformed or even disrupted by AI implementations.


You'll go under the hood to see how computers can "learn" using artificial neural networks and various forms of machine learning. You will review AI applications such as natural language processing, forecasting, and robotics.















You will have the opportunity to master an in-depth understanding of the fundamental artificial intelligence principles, which include data science basics, a work-ready understanding of python programming, and strong grasp of machine learning statistics.












You'll also learn about the AI development process and how AI will affect the workforce.


We will provide hands-on, step-by-step guidance, and ample real-world practice opportunities for professionals to learn and apply AI tools and models to solve real-world health and social problems.


Finally, you'll consider some of the ethical factors in AI deployment.


iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning loves our seniors and grandparents
Manipulatives and Media | iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning

"It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings."
~Ann Landers

STREAMS  | iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning
iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning Kidpreneurs, we encourage entrepreneurship


Love for Self and Others


Research has demonstrated that in the early years, positive relationships built on trust between children and responsive adults are the key to building positive character development. Character is an aggregate of all our traits and includes all of our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Our children’s character is molded by their decisions and affects every aspect of their current and future life. As parents and teachers, we’re responsible for their upbringing, and we play a vital role in helping children develop their full potential. With the many varied messages children see in the media and in their associations, we can’t expect them to merely observe and adopt the character traits and maturity that we’d like them to develop. Consistent and thorough teaching of ethical behavior is critical to shaping character. Additionally, adults who model positive behaviors set examples that teach children through basic language and actions the core characteristics of such concepts.














We actively incorporate and work on 40 Key Attributes to help develop the children's character in our curriculum. We will not only study multiple subjects but we will also study the personal value systems that brought those events about. Using critical thinking skills in every aspect of our lives. We will learn the why of things and the motivation behind our decisions as well as the consequences and benefits that can occur.


Our character is a holistic language we daily communicate with others. We constantly affect one another. Beyond our homes and schools, our children’s character will also affect all of us in the workplace and in our communities as they grow to be our employees, neighbors, and leaders. When young people have not been taught principles of character that can anchor them, and if they don’t feel strong ties to faith, family, or community that nurture them, they may feel adrift and hopeless.


Developing a respectful and responsible character is a skill every child needs in order to thrive, find fulfillment, and be an influence for good in society. 

 iPlanets Academy supplement learning with families in Kaufman County, Ellis County, South Dallas County, Tarrant County, and surrounding metro cities in the greater DFW area.  iPlanets Academy supplement learning with families in Kaufman County, Ellis County, South Dallas County, Tarrant County, and surrounding metro cities in the greater DFW area.

Below are those 40 character traits we all will strive to achieve


  • Activism and Patriotic​

  • Attentiveness

  • Availability

  • Cautiousness

  • Citizenship 

  • Compassion and Empathy

  • Confidence

  • Conscience

  • Conservation

  • Courage

  • Decisive

  • Determination

  • Diligent

  • Discretion

  • Empathy

  • Endurance

  • Enthusiastic

  • Fair

  • Flexible

  • Forgiving

  • Grateful

  • Honesty

  • Independent

  • Integrity

  • Kindness

  • Leadership

  • Loyal

  • Obedience

  • Orderliness

  • Patient

  • Resourcefulness

  • Respect

  • Responsible

  • Self Control

  • Servant

  • Sportsmanship

  • Thriftiness

  • Tolerant

  • Trustworthy

  • Wisdom​



The Six Pillars of Character® are the core ethical values of CHARACTER COUNTS! These values were identified by a nonpartisan, nonsectarian (secular) group of youth development experts in 1992 as “core ethical values that transcend cultural, religious and socioeconomic differences”. 












The Six Pillars of Character are Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. We recommend always using the Pillars in this specific order and using the acronym “T.R.R.F.C.C.” (terrific).


Each of The Six Pillar of Character traits is used within our CHARACTER COUNTS! program to help instill a positive school climate and a culture of kindness, making schools a safe environment for students to learn.




  • Be honest in communications and actions

  • Don’t deceive, cheat or steal

  • Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do

  • Have the courage to do the right thing

  • Build a good reputation

  • Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country

  • Keep your promises




  • Treat others with respect and follow the Golden Rule

  • Be tolerant and accepting of differences

  • Use good manners, not bad language

  • Be considerate of the feelings of others

  • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone  

  • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements













• Plan ahead

• Be diligent

• Persevere

• Do your best

• Use self-control

• Be self-disciplined

• Think before you act

• Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes

• Set a good example for others

• Choose a positive attitude

• Make healthy choices

•Do what you are supposed to do




  • Play by the rules

  • Take turns and share

  • Be open-minded; listen to others 

  • Don’t take advantage of others 

  • Don’t blame others carelessly

  • Treat all people fairly




  • Be kind

  • Be compassionate and show you care

  • Show Empathy

  • Express gratitude

  • Forgive others and show mercy

  • Help people in need

  • Be charitable and altruistic




  • Do your share to make your home, school, community, and greater world better

  • Cooperate

  • Get involved in community affairs

  • Stay informed; vote

  • Be a good neighbor

  • Obey laws and rules

  •  Respect authority

  • Protect the environment 

  • Volunteer

More info about the Character Counts! program at iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning
 iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning Teaching Kids Life Skills
iPlanets Academy supplement learning with families in Kaufman County, Ellis County, South Dallas County, Tarrant County, and surrounding metro cities in the greater DFW area.




​Animation is performing art rather than graphic art. The drawings and models replace actors and actresses, so when children are creating their own animation it is important to approach it through the creative skills they would use in the drama rather than graphical skills.


The animation is image manipulation and it can be used on any object, it is a co-operative exercise and will utilize the varying skills of the children in the group.


Some can draw well, others will be good at operating equipment or playing instruments, or performing voices or acting as artistic directors.

Three rough divisions can be used for group work: pictures, sound, and equipment.



Pictures can come from various sources: they can be drawn, taken from magazines, or compiled on the photocopier. 



Background music and sound effects come from CDs or software.  The children can use their voices, musical instruments, or everyday objects to make different sounds.  



The basics that we will use for animation are pencils and paper.  Using the camera on the kindles, iPads, and iPhones.












Engaging in dramatic play enhances young children’s development. Pretending builds social skills, makes children more aware of their own emotions, and encourages shared language and problem-solving. Practicing these skills:


  • Social/Emotional: negotiating different roles and themes, cooperating to keep the play happening, acting out roles and situations


  • Physical: using large and small muscles to put on costumes and manipulate props, practicing eye-hand coordination


  • Cognitive: thinking of and acting out a story, organizing and expressing ideas, paying attention to how other people see the world, finding creative solutions to challenges


  • Language: asking and answering questions, using language related to a role they are playing (e.g., “May I take your order?”), early literacy and writing skills

iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning loves our seniors and grandparents

I will let them be little, fill their hearts with laughter, help them grow wings, nurture their sense of wonder, inspire them to believe and love them like there is no tomorrow!  


Dance and Music is a fun activity for kids that exercises both the body and mind. In addition to increasing fitness levels for kids, it also helps with better posture, creativity, and cultural understanding. It helps improve balance and flexibility. Studies have found that it can help to reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. It can bolster self-esteem. It can help kids achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It provides both cardiovascular activity and weight-bearing activity, so it’s good for kids’ hearts and bones.

Listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, and moving to music are all activities that support children's development across several different domains.

  • Language development: Children practice words and phrases in repeating patterns by listening to and singing songs. They also become aware of the rhythms of language and the patterns of poetry. 

  • Social and emotional skills: Music can help children develop an understanding of people and their cultures. It also provides children with opportunities for creative expression through storytelling, puppetry, creative movement, and dance, or songwriting. Music provides opportunities for turn-taking and matching up with a group's tempo and tone. These opportunities can be positive social interactions with peers and adults in which children practice social skills for conversation such as listening and responding. w other children. 

  • Cognitive Development: It stimulates thought and imagination, as children learn the words to songs or produce their own music and creative movement. Experiencing movement helps improve listening skills. 

  • Physical Development: Dance involves a greater range of motion, coordination, strength, and endurance than most other physical activities. This is accomplished through movement patterns that teach coordination and kinesthetic memory.


Dancing utilizes the entire body and is an excellent form of exercise for total body fitness. Young children are naturally active, but dance offers an avenue to expand movement possibilities and skills.   

Yoga Calm| iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning

We use Yoga Calm in our daily nightly routines. Some benefits of Yoga Calm is:

  • Promote mindfulness, physical activity, and social/emotional skill development

  • Improve self-regulation and relaxation skills

  • Increase self-confidence and self-esteem, enhancing communication, trust, empathy, teamwork, and leadership skills

  • Develop the ability to make healthy life choices to create lifelong wellness habits

GO HERE for more information about our Yoga Calm program. 


Our children are encouraged to write frequently, and as independently as they are able—both fiction and non-fiction. Relatedly, small group instruction, partner reading, and individual reading are part of everyday routines.

Debates are a part of our school and home life where everyone gets involved in critical thinking. 


Why read?

  • Academic excellence. One of the primary benefits of reading to toddlers and preschoolers is a higher aptitude for learning in general. Numerous studies have shown that students who are exposed to reading are more likely to do well in all facets of formal education.

  • Basic speech skills. Children are learning critical language and enunciation skills. By listening to you read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, for example, your child is reinforcing the basic sounds that form language.

  • The basics of how to read a book. Children aren’t born with an innate knowledge that text is read from left to right, or that the words on a page are separate from the images. Essential pre-reading skills like these are among the major benefits of early reading.

  • Better communication skills. When you spend time reading to toddlers, they’ll be much more likely to express themselves and relate to others in a healthy way.

  • Mastery of language. Early reading has been linked to a better grasp of the fundamentals of language as they approach school age.

  • More logical thinking skills. It's important to their ability to grasp abstract concepts, apply logic in various scenarios, recognize cause and effect, and utilize good judgment.

  • Acclamation to new experiences. As your child approaches a major developmental milestone or a potentially stressful experience, sharing a relevant story is a great way to help ease the transition. For instance, if your little one is nervous about starting preschool, reading a story dealing with this topic shows her that her anxiety is normal.

  • Enhanced concentration and discipline. Along with reading comprehension comes stronger self-discipline, longer attention span, and better memory retention, all of which will serve your child well when she enters school.

  • The knowledge that reading is fun! Children who are exposed to reading are much more likely to choose books over video games, television, and other forms of entertainment as they grow older

English/Language Arts:

  • Phonemic Awareness, word recognition, and fluency

  • Acquisition of vocabulary

  • Reading Process: Concepts of print comprehension strategies, self-monitoring strategies, and independent reading

  • Reading Applications: Informational, technical, persuasive, and literary text

  • Writing Processes and Applications: Handwriting, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization

  • Research

  • Communication: Oral and Visual

STREAMS | iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning
iPlanets Academy supports families
Arithmetic, Business Math, Entrepreneurship | iPlanets Academy K-5 Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning


We teach math in a way that will help prepare our children for real-world math. We problem-solve by doing some activities on paper, learn through manipulatives and computing mentally. To calculate efficiently, it's important to know basic arithmetic facts. Some of these facts may be easier to learn such as adding 1 to any number or doubling numbers. Some math skills and operations call upon “non-math” skills, such as reading text, fine motor skills, and memory. While memorization is needed, it should follow, not precede, understanding. Before they're expected to memorize combinations we provide our children many experiences combining sets of objects, using patterns and reasoning. We also teach our children when accuracy is essential and when estimates will suffice. For instance; when we balance our checkbooks or make a change, accuracy is important. But in many situations, estimates will do, such as when we double the amount of broth for a recipe or measure fertilizer to plant a seed.  We will also learn many different ways to come to the same conclusion when reasoning numerically.


​​​​​​​​​​Challenging and enjoyable focusing on these concepts:


  • ​Accounting

  • Addition

  • Budgeting

  • Business Studies

  • Census

  • Consumer Science

  • Currency and Money

  • Debating

  • Demography

  • Divide

  • Economics: Scarcity and resource allocation, production, distribution

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Finance 

  • Fractions

  • Geometry (e.g., patterns and shapes, each with unique features)

  • Language of math (e.g., more than, less than, equal to)

  • Management

  • Marketing

  • Measurement (e.g., area, size, weight, distance, amount)

  • Money

  • Multiply

  • Number sense (e.g., the numeral “4” represents four objects, which is greater than 3 and less than 5)

  • Organizational Studies

  • Real Estate

  • Spatial relations (e.g., in front of or behind; near or far)

  • Stocks and Investing

  • Subtraction

  • Time and Time Zones (Telling time, Months of the Year, Days of the Week, Birthdays, etc.)

  • Weather and Temperatures


Today, one common challenge is that young people move away from their local communities in order to find work and education, and as a result, the populations of those communities get older and decrease in number. If we want our local communities to thrive in the future, we need to provide our young people with opportunities in their own communities. We give our children knowledge about the economic system and their role as a productive worker and citizen of the United States. They will learn about business organizational structure and entrepreneurship. Topics include business economics, consumerism, financial management, business law, marketing, accounting, business management and leadership. Equipped with this knowledge we hope they can make a living independently in their local communities in the future and to develop their local communities.


The main components of our

learning are:


Internal entrepreneurship- This deals with the personal and mental abilities that are needed when working in a business environment, for example, initiative-taking, teamwork, creativity, responsibility, risk-taking, and so on.

External entrepreneurship- Which deals with hard knowledge about starting, running, and owning a company (planning a business idea, marketing, budgeting, and so on)

Our Business Math studies are the foundation of every industry and are designed to give our children an introduction to the foundations of business such as economics, management, finance, and marketing. We set out to stimulate and foster imaginative thinking giving them the skills to arrive at solutions to business problems. We will study small business management, business plan development, and the principles of marketing. We will also enhance skills with business software such as word processing, spreadsheets, database, and presentations. 

Our children are tasked with forming teams and developing a new business venture. They will form a makeshift company and learn to fine-tune a business plan. ​


We help build positive and meaningful relationships and create a caring environment, where every child is valued, and their abilities, interests, and routines are respected. Our community extends out to include our surroundings. We want to create for our children a sense of belonging, of being a member of our team, and someone we value. Every child has something amazing to offer and can make a difference in the community. We want to work to be connected to not only our own community but also to the world around us by building strong partnerships and helping our children to feel genuinely connected to each other, to the teachers, to the environment, local schools, organizations, charities, businesses and to the processes we explore throughout each day. iPLANETS ACADEMY is dedicated to developing global awareness and citizenship through a unique, specialized curriculum and a strong emphasis on experiential learning.  Their courses will cover World History, Human Geography, Leadership Development, and Environmental Science which helps them to learn about cultural diversity and conflict resolution, as well as the impact of humans on the environment.


The Pledge of Allegiance


​Standing for our Pledge teaches us pride in our community.  It helps us learn new vocabulary. The Pledge of Allegiance could be summed up by saying the flag is a symbol of our country, the United States of America, which is a place where we can make choices, vote, it is OK to be different, people are free and people are treated fairly.  I promise to be a good and loyal friend to this country – The United States of America.  




​Citizenship means being a member of and supporting one's community and country. A United States citizen has certain freedoms that are declared in the U.S. Bill of Rights. In addition to these privileges, a citizen has an obligation to be informed, law-abiding, and uphold basic democratic principles such as tolerance and civic responsibility. Voting, conserving natural resources, and taking care of oneself is all part of citizenship. In addition, citizens often participate in local community projects dedicated to the common good.

​​At iPLANETS ACADEMY we strive to help our children understand their rights and obligations as U.S. citizens and teach them the history of our democracy on a level children can comprehend. Exposing it to them through penpals, storytelling, drama, and other activities in which they are actively involved. They will learn that people from other countries are not necessarily free to voice dissenting opinions or even practice their religion the students will begin to appreciate their freedoms.


​​Community Outreach


​​Community Outreach will be an important part of our program here at iPLANETS ACADEMY .  In order to show the children the importance of giving back to their community, we will choose a few nonprofits to help. These efforts may be onsite and at other times they may be off-site. Parents, Family, and Friends will be expected to fully support and participate in these events.


We will connect the children with community organizations such as child care, nursing homes, fire departments, and or other local businesses to help enhance community awareness. We will ask parents or members of the community to come to the classroom to share with the children what they do for their job or other interests they have that relate to what the children are studying.


We study, examine, and explain human beings and society.  We look at how societies as a whole function, how people interact with each other, how minds work, other cultures, and influences in the world such as :


  • Anthropology-The study of human societies and cultures and their development. The study of human biological and physiological characteristics and their evolution

  • Archaeology-The study of human history and prehistory

  • Citizenship rights & Responsibilities: Participation, rights, and responsibilities

  • History: Chronology, daily life, heritage

  • Geography: Location, places and regions, human-environmental interaction

  • Laws and Politics: Role of government, rules, and laws

  • People: African American Studies and other Cultures

  • Psychology, Sociology & Methods: Obtaining information, thinking and organizing, communicating information


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Located in 

Devonshire Subdivision

Forney, TX 75126


iPlanets Academy
 is a 24 Hours Independent, Private, Non-Traditional, Year-Round, Elementary, Intermediate and Jr. High Hybrid Homeschool, and Summertime Learning 

Hybrid Homeschool
In-Person and Online

Pre-Kindergarten-8th Grade
(4-13 years old)

Evening Enrichment Classes
3:30-6:30 PM or 3:30-8:00 PM

5:30 PM-8:00 AM

Vacations/School Breaks
Drop Ins

Summertime Learning 
Children 9-13 years old


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iPLANETS ACADEMY is not licensed, accredited, or regulated through the state of Texas, and we do not carry any insurance. We are an Independent, Year Round, and Non-Traditional Private Pre-Kindergarten/K-8th Grade (children 4-13 years old) Elementary, Intermediate and Jr. High Hybrid Homeschool & Summertime Learning educates children alongside families in Kaufman County, Ellis County, Rockwall County, Dallas County, and surrounding counties in Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex.  As a result, we are committed to ongoing self-monitoring with the highest standards of excellence. PLEASE NOTE: iPLANETS ACADEMY is NOT affiliated with Iplanet Academy located in Florida now or at any time in the past. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused due to our names being closely spelled. *Best when viewed on a computer. If using Mobile or a Tablet this website is best when viewed on Safari or Chrome. 

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