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Nutrition Food and Fitness

One of the best Good-For-You Foods - Salmon.  The omega 3 fatty acids in oily fish can boost your skin's defenses against UV damage.  Research shows: Those who ate a little more than 5 ounces of omega 3 rich fish each week decreased the development of precancerous skin lesions by almost 30 percent.  Scientists think the omega 3s act as a shield, protecting cell walls from free-radical damage.   Also try Tuna

From a recent School Nutrition Article - SATURATED FATS are primarily found in animal products, including dairy, although they are seen in certain plant foods, as well, such as coconut and palm products, plus some nuts.  A diet rich in saturated fats can raise bad cholesterol levels and some recent reports note a link between consumption of saturated fats and heart disease.

People are often terrified of saturated fats, but when it is obtained from healthy sources, in moderation, like grass-fed butter and coconut oil, it provides the body much-needed fuel.  Coconut oil's saturated fat is made up mostly of medium-chain triglycerides or MCT's, which your body handles differently than the longer-chain fats in liquid vegetable oils, dairy and fatty meats.

Your body (primarily the liver) makes 75% of the cholesterol in your body.  The rest comes from the foods you eat, even though cholesterol is not technically classified as a dietary fat.  Only animal-based foods (such as meat, cheese and egg yolks) contain cholesterol.

A growing body of research suggests that when it comes to dietary fat, you should focus on eating healthy fats and avoid unhealthy fats as much as possible.

Nutrition Food and Fitness
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